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IFK KINO mit Sabina Cveček

18. Jänner 2021, 18.00 Uhr ONLINE

Die Abteilungen Kulturwissenschaft und Zeitbasierte Medien laden, per zoom, zur Übertragung des Montagsvortrags des IFK.

Videoübertragung: zoom.us 18.15 Uhr (open at 6.00 p.m.)
Meeting-ID: 922 9268 2818
Kenncode: fsb23d
Telefon-Kenncode: 276218
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Metalworkers’ Homes: Food, Arsenic-Copper, and Knowledge Sharing

When based on cross-cultural ethnographic evidence, metalworking is commonly perceived as a male craft, performed in male spaces, away from female members of a household or society. In this lecture, Sabina Cveček presents an alternative possibility from Early Bronze-Age Çukuriçi Höyük, where metalworking took place within multi-gendered and multi-generational households and homes.

n the Early Bronze Age, arsenic-copper production gained importance for the production of metal tools and weapons in the Aegean. On eastern Aegean islands and coastal areas of western Anatolia, metalworking accompanied social and political centralization. In the latter case, proto-urban settlements provide evidence for a single metalworking household within a settlement. These metalworking households clustered with objects of long-distance trade, indicating a chiefdom social organization. At Çukuriçi Höyük, different stages of metalworking were shared across the settlement, providing the evidence for codependence and cooperation between households. Without the evidence for political centralization, dwellers at Çukuriçi Höyük shared, stored, and reproduced arsenic metal objects within and between households for both local and regional consumption.

Sabina Cveček studied ethnology and socio-cultural anthropology at the Universities of Ljubljana and Vienna. From 2016 to 2020 she was a doctoral researcher in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna. In 2019 she was a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale, Germany. Currently she is an IFK_Junior Fellow.


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