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More-than-human sensations: A bio-technological pluriverse

27. Juni 2019, 18.00 Uhr OÖ Kulturquartier, Gewölbesaal

Mehr-als-menschliche Wahrnehmung: Ein biotechnologisches Pluriversum

Karin Harrasser, Kunstuniversität Linz / Kulturwissenschaft, als Gastgeberin der Gesprächsrunde im Rahmen des SCHÄXPIR-Festivals

Die Veranstaltung wird hauptsächlich auf Englisch stattfinden. Es geht um das Reisen mit Störchen, um quicklebendige Medien in den Lebenswissenschaften und um mehr-als-menschliche Verbindungen mit und durch Sound.

The evening explores bio­technological ways of sensing, experimenting and feeling in a non­human context, in both art and science. Although digital technologies often seem invasive, controldriven, impolite and commodifying, they offer promising new ways of getting in touch with the pluriverse we currently inhabit: Early­21st­century’s terra is a place of ongoing ecological and decolonial struggle, of inequality and destruction of homes, flora and fauna – humans included. Yet, it is a time full of new possibilities of connection, solidarity and care­taking between humans and other critters.

Three speakers and their projects:
Moritz Matschke
(PhD­-Student, University of Art and Design Linz) and his experiments with precarious border crossings that follow migrating storks on their trips between Europe and Africa.
Kathrin Friedrich (University Potsdam, Project Sensing) investigates adaptive media in the life sciences.
Anne Donovan (PhD­-Project, University Potsdam, Project Sensing) focuses on more­than­human networks through sonification and radio art.
Host: Karin Harrasser

English only / public event / no entrance fee
Englischsprachige Veranstaltung / öffentlich / Eintritt frei

© K. Harrasser