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Talk with Sophie Tappeiner

25. Jänner 2022, 16.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, Audimax und ONLINE

Die Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Gespräch mit der Wiener Galeristin Sophie Tappeiner im Audimax oder auch online.
We invite you to a talk with the Viennese gallery owner Sophie Tappeiner at Audimax or online.

Meeting-Link: kuni-linz.webex.com
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2734 683 5952
Meeting Passwort: FGhkRMRy265

Sophie Tappeiner opened the eponymous gallery in May 2017. Upon her return to Vienna she observed that the city’s art scene - albeit vibrant, at the time - lacked young galleries offering exposure, context and support on an international level. By opening the gallery Tappeiner hoped to nurture artists’ careers and to further offer something of value to the fabric of the local scene. The gallery’s program reflects the founder's interest in perceptions of identity, the body, and how these are both situated in and impact the world around us. While the aesthetic of the programme is based deeply within the logic of each artist’s practice it shares a tendency towards explorational materiality and a strong sense of figurative presence.

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Sophie Tappeiner