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The river writhed like a wounded snake...

24. Jänner 2023, 14.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, 4. OG, ZV Seminarraum, DO.04.25

Guest lecture by Andrea Ancira in the context of the seminar "Mapping. Formate und Techniken der künstlerischen Forschung"

Drawing from personal archives related to Guatemala’s warfare between 1956 and 1996, Andrea Ancira's project rehearses questions of memory, forgetting, militancy and mourning as a way to grapple with collective loss. Although most of the official records and archives that could give an account of the war have been destroyed or censored, it is still possible to find traces in personal and family collections. This research will articulate some of these archives as a way to  explore their connections through infinite rehearsals of memory, a collective practice of remembering by means of tools and practices of remembering such as oral history, mapping, transgenerational landscapes and storytelling, that contest idealized and a nationalist understandings of grief.

Andrea Ancira is an editor, writer, and researcher. Her practice is situated at the crossroads of art, politics, and experimentation as a site of imagination, (un)learning and affective research. Her research focuses on communal perspectives of life, memory, and care through archives and translation. She is currently a fellow of the Jumex Contemporary Art Foundation. In 2017, she co-created the editorial platform tumbalacasa ediciones.