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11. November 2021 Universität Luxemburg, Luxemburg

Manuela Naveau, Professorin bei Interface Cutures, beteiligt sich mit dem Vortrag "CRITICAL DATA and the arts – artistic works in a calculated world" an der Konferenz.

Keynote speakers
Fosca Giannotti, Katie Atkinson, Carles Sierra, Manuela Naveau, Iris van der Tuin, Julie Bernauer

CRITICAL DATA and the arts – artistic works in a calculated world

A calculated world is based on the life cycle of data: collecting, storing, analyzing, reproducing, sharing, and deleting. Activities initiated by ourselves or others – but always with the actually deeply human goal of generating more knowledge about ourselves and sharing it with others. But something has gone wrong in the optimization processes, however, because the representation of our world in digital data, a thinking in calculations, algorithms, and self-learning models, and a generally accepted trust in technology prevents us from thinking and understanding our world noetically. When technological developments act so far away and disconnected from people when economic optimization processes come before societal values: how can we understand and engage? How can moments of intuition, of gut feeling arise, or what does intuition mean in relation to artificial intelligence? What is critical data in the context of a healthy society and environmentally friendly strategies, in the context of a time-critical art?
Using very recent artistic works from the Interface Cultures department at the University of Art and Design Linz, Austria, and based on curatorial engagements with international artists in the current exhibition, Manuela Naveau attempts to explore the forms of knowledge / non-knowledge and social engagement in relation to AI.

Manuela Naveau, PhD is an Austrian artist, researcher, scientist, and curator at Ars Electronica, where she developed the Ars Electronica Export department together with Artistic Director Gerfried Stocker and led it operationally for almost 18 years. Since 2020, Manuela Naveau has been a university professor for Critical Data at the Interface Cultures Department of the University of Art and Design Linz and has held teaching positions at the Paris Lodron University in Salzburg, the Technical University in Vienna, and the Danube University Krems. Her book Crowd and Art – Kunst und Partizipation im Internet (Crowd and Art ñ Art and Participation in the Internet) was published in 2017 by transcript Verlag, Germany. The book is based on her dissertation, for which she received the Award of Excellence from the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy in 2016.


Manuela Naveau