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Artistic interfaces with natural/ organic elements in telematic environments - NANO lab

25. Oktober 2013, 14.00 Uhr IC Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3. OG

Gastvortrag von Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso im Rahmen der Interface Cultues Invited Lecture Series.

The idea of a “Telematic Embrace”,  introduced by artist Roy Ascott in 2003, is constantly reviewed with technological development through artistic projects that explore processes of creating artificial interfaces which in some way are connected with natural and organic elements, experimenting on possible hybridization, interaction, presence and context in telematic environments.

We will address the subject appointing that telematic situation enhances the vitality of an aesthetic experience and that this experience provides a renewed state of consciousness.

The idea of a plant or insect-machine-human interaction definitely enhances our capacity of perception and is the main focus of artistic practical, experimental and technologic procedures applied at NANOlab. 


Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso
is currently a Post Doctoral researcher at University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil.
Obtained a PHD In Arts and Multimedia by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in São Paulo (BR - 2003) and develops artistic research and experimentation in telematic environments.
Graduated in Fine Arts, Major in Drawing at the University of Brasília (BR - 1984), and obtained Masters Degree in Fine Arts, Major in Printmaking at the George Washington University (USA-1993).
Her doctoral thesis focuses on trans disciplinary aspects between art, science, technology and indigenous cultures. Trans cultural processes are investigated through the transposition of knowledge between cultures and their specific forms of expression, observed and experimented in multimedia and computer art contexts, in order to explore the esthetic potential from a reinvented aisthesis.
Malu Fragoso was a professor at the Visual Arts Department at the University of Brasília between 1993 and 2009 and was coordinator of the Design and Visual Communication department, for undergraduate  studies, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.She has been supervising thesis since 2005, at both institutions.Was an elected member of the National Association of Researcher in Fine Arts's directory for the period 2010-2012.  Is the coordinator of the research group REDE- Art and Technology, trans cultural nets in multimedia and telematics, and coordinator, with Guto Nobrega of NANO Nucleous of Art and New Organisms, a research lab for exploring the intersection of art science and technology.

Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso