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Collecting contemporary art; A holistic approach

16. Jänner 2018, 13.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Dr. Franz Wojda im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series

Collecting art certainly is the most satisfying way of getting in touch with art. Emotions rise whenever the decision to buy a certain artwork is finalized but at the same time building an art collection of significance also requires a lot of very rational decisions. Starting with the artwork and following it`s traces on the art market, decision making processes concerning the topics of a collection and preserving it, discussing legal and financial aspects of collecting are covered in the book. But the authors want to present more than simple „how to“ instructions. The enthusiasm that drives collectors will be at the center of the book but always accompanied by texts of leading experts in the fields of collecting, the art market and by internationally renowned artists discussing their views and opinions of collecting.
The book will give guidance to beginning collectors but will also be of interest for art enthusiasts following the developments of contemporary art for a long time.

Studied Industrial Engineering and Industrial Economics at the Vienna University of Technology (VUT).
In 1965 he was employed at PHILIPS, and until 1973 he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Organization and Ergonomics of the Vienna University of Technology (Doctoral Degree in 1973 and Venia Docendi in 1974 in the field of Work System Design and Labor Organization).
Since 1975 Prof. Wojda has been a full professor for Business Economics and head of the Institute of Organization and Ergonomics (later extended to Institute of Industrial Engineering, Ergonomics and Business Economics, today to Institute of Management Science).

From October 1996 to December 2001 Prof. Wojda served as the chairman of the senat of the VUT and 2001 as the speaker of the chairmen of the highest collegiate organs of Austrian universities. Wojda retired at the end of 2008. Since 2009 he is Honorary Senator at VUT.
His main research activities include:
Development of work environment, Human-oriented Design of Office and Factory Buildings, Labour Organization, Organizational Design, Management of Organizational Cooperations, Project Management and Project-Portfolio Management.

From 1974 until the end of 1999 Prof. Wojda served as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and partner in two international Consulting Companies, 1974 to 1999 in agiplan and 1989 to 1995 in KPMG Management Consulting, Vienna. Since 1981 he owns the Dr. Wojda Gesellschaft mbH, Wien. The companies offer a wide range of consulting and planning services for industrial and commercial organizations, as well as public entities in the field of Management Consulting, Organization, Information Technology, Plant Design, Logistics and Project Management in Austria and the adjoining countries of Central Europe.

Further Prof. Wojda is severing in the following functions:
- Vice chair of the advisory board of the MUMOK (Museum of Modern Art Foundation Ludwig), Vienna
- Chair of the Association of Friends and Alumni of the Vienna University of Technology
- Member of the board of the Austrian Association for Industrial Engineering

Dr. Franz Wojda