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Fire! Smartphone intimacy, digital strangeness and turmoil image.

18. März 2025, 10.15 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, Interface Cultures Seminarraum

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von  Libe Belandia Juaristi.

In this lecture Libe Belandia (Liben Svaart, their artistic pseudonym) will talk about the research for their PhD thesis which is about smartphones and the relationship we have with them. Smartphones have shaped the way we interact with the world, where anything and everything can be captured through the device. This lecture will follow their artwork and investigation process through three key concepts: smartphone intimacy, digital strangeness, and turmoil image. These are three levels of the relationships we establish with the device: the closeness to our bodies, how we navigate them and assimilate their language; and how we create an anticipation for constant change and movement. Through this lens, Svaart will share their work in progress and the references they are using to explore deeper into the most used device of our era.

Libe Belandia / Liben Svaart (Leioa, 1994) [they/them, she/her] is a sound artist, performer, and a self-taught musician. Graduated in the Contemporary, Technological and Performative Art Master’s Degree by the UPV/EHU, they developed the premise to this PhD project during her master thesis which was also directed by artist Saioa Olmo. She works in the audivisional field through the sensitivity of the ‘infraslight’. They find the equilibrium between the visceral and calculated: both on her animation films as well as their performances with sound being key to their projects.