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Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series

23.11.2010, 13.00 bis 14.00 Uhr Kollegiumgasse 2, 3. Stock, Interface Cultures Lecture Room

Vortrag von Oliver Grau
" Media Art Histories and its Research: New Perspectives for Digital Humanities"

Dr. Oliver Grau ist Professor für Image Science und Leiter der Abteilung für Image Science an der Donau Universität Krems.


Over the last thirty years Media art has evolved into a vivid contemporary factor, Digital Art became the art of our time but has still not arrived in the core cultural institutions of our societies.

Although there are well attended festivals worldwide, well funded collaborative projects, numerous artist written articles and emerging database documentation projects, media art is still rarely collected by museums, not included or supported within the mainframe of art history and nearly inaccessible for the non northern public and their scholars.

The aim of the lecture is to create an understanding that the present image revolution which uses indeed new technologies and has also developed a large number of so far unknown visual expressions, that   cannot be conceived without our image history.  Media Art thus needs as many bridges as possible into our societies: Conferences, Text Repositories, Database Projects developing collective documentation and preservation strategies ‑ new thesauri and also new curricula for the next generation of teachers and collectors.

Dr. Oliver Grau

Dr. Grau has conducted international invited lecture tours, received numerous awards and produced international publications in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Serbian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Korean, Chinese. His main research is in the history of media art, immersion (virtual reality), and emotions, as well as the history, idea and culture of telepresence and artificial life. He has published following books:

Virtual Art  - From Illusion to Immersion, MIT Press/Leonardo Books, 2003
Mediale Emotionen, Fischer Verlag , 2005
MediaArtHistories, MIT Press/Leonardo Books, 2007

Oliver Grau