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ITAU Cultural Cybernetic Consciousness Exhibition

8. Juni bis 6. August 2017 Sao Paulo, Brasil

Premiere der Arbeit "Neuro Mirror" von Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau auf der ITAU Cultural Cybernetic Consciousness Exhibition.

Neuro Mirror
This interactive installation deals with the image we have of ourselves and of others.In 1999 the Italian neuro-physiologist Giacomo Rizzolatti and his team discovered theso-called mirror neurons. Mirror neurons are activated in the temporal lobe of ourbrain each time we observe other people’s actions. What is interesting is the fact thatthe same neurons are activated when we perform these actions ourselves. Anotherimportant factor is that mirror neurons allow an immediate and intuitivecomprehension: someone’s facial expressions, how he/she speaks, behaves andmoves, all this is immediately processed in the mirror neurons.The interactive installation “Neuro Mirror” deals with these scientific findings in anartistic way. It is a participative installation where visitors see themselves on threescreens, arranged like a triptych. The screen in the middle displays the participant’simage in real time, while the screen of the left shows his of her image from the past.The screen on the right however represents an alter ego, who reacts and learns fromones own actions based on neuronal networks.

Neuro Mirror.pdf


Neuro Mirror, 2017 © Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau