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Man as Bird - Images of Journeys

5. Mai bis 5. September 2017 Palazzo Soranzo Van Axel, Venice

Special project of Pushkin Museum XXI
as the Collateral Eventof the 57th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia

Masaki Fujihata, Gastprofessor bei Interface Cultures, nimmt an der "57th Venice Biennale" teil.

Masaki Fujihata zeigt seine Arbeit "Private Room/TV".

Private room
Media installation 2009–2010
Private Room/TV is a light sculpture with 200 tubes, which are controlled by TV program. Big TV set but super low resolution.
In this work Fujihata recalls the golden age of television, when it had set up an invisible network of viewers. This medium introduced the ability to share an experience with friends or relatives, classmates who are supposedly watching from some other place, or even unknown people yet further away, while sitting in a well-lit room at home. Today the viewers can again feel the community of a global home – the world of virtual networks. However this space turns out to be fragmented, split into icons, and its elements form a kind of a global database.
Today panorama in its classical form gets fragmented, and the viewer is immersed into a multilayered world of images. The archive of memory forms a panorama of our sensations and tactile perceptions. Our journeys and memories of them are linked in a single network that permeates contemporary global home and connects us with the world.

Masaki Fujihata
(b. 1956, Tokyo, Japan) is a media artist. He is a professor at Keio University (Tokyo). He was one of the first artists to use stereolithography; he also created the world's smallest sculptures by using the manufacturing techniques for integrated circuits. However, he is most recognized for his interactive network installations examining the possibilities for communication within virtual spaces. He has exhibited at the Ars Electronica (Linz), CyberForum (Lisbon), and his work is part of the permanent collection of the ZKM (Karlsruhe).

Private room / TV. 2009–2010. Media installation. Dimensions variable. Supported by Tokyo Gallery + BTAP. Courtesy of the artist

Private room / TV. 2009–2010. Media installation. Dimensions variable. Supported by Tokyo Gallery + BTAP. Courtesy of the artist
