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Open Codes. Connected Bots

20. Juli bis 7. Oktober 2019 Shanghai

César Escudero Andaluz (Interface Cultures PhD-Kandidat) und Martín Nadal (Interface Cultures Master-Student) nehmen an der Ausstellung teil.

Co-organized by Chronus Art Center (CAC) and ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany

Open Codes brings computing and art together in various ways. It is a new form of assembly, combining practical knowledge of computer code and critical artistic approaches in a single venue. The project seeks to empower its participants to regain access to reality through instruments of thought and to reflect on the genealogy and current social impact of digital code, computer programming, and software.

The exhibition includes artworks based on computer code, as well as artworks that reveal how deeply such code has penetrated our lives, societies, geopolitical situations, fiscal systems, labour conditions, infrastructure, environment, and even the perception of our own source code, DNA.

aaajiao, Zach Blas and Jemima Wyman, Bleeptrack, James Bridle, Max Cooper and Andy Lomas, Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler, DISNOVATION.ORG , Jonas Eltes, César Escudero Andaluz and Martín Nadal, GUO Cheng, Bernd Lintermann, Shawn Maximo, Joana Moll, Sebastian Schmieg, Adam Slowik, Nye Thompson, WANG Changcun, Peter Weibel and Christian Lölkes, ZKM|Hertz-Lab, 996.ICU
