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Traces of Life

29. und 30. Oktober 2020 The Hive Art Community, Brooklyn, USA

Interface Cultures Student Jaskaran Anand ist Teilnehmer der Posiumsdiskussion

The Hive Art Community is pleased to present the 2020 group show “Traces of Life” co-curated by Fang-Yu Liu and Kathie Halfin. The exhibition brings together the work of 15 artists that investigate data in their art practices and question how it shapes our world views and values.

Topic discussion:
how we challenge the existing authorities in the tech industry in terms of data privacy, transparency and narrative biases. The discussion will also address how we create alternatives and strategies to return the agency to people. 
29th October 2020, 7-8 pm (EST American time) or 30th October 2020 midnight- 01:00 am (CET)

