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Anna Vasof | Reality Max Mixer

15. April, 14.00 Uhr <br> Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 8, 3. OG, TIME Atelier

Einführender Vortrag zum Workshop mit Anna Vasof bei Zeitbasierter und Interaktiver Medienkunst.

Anna Vasof | Reality Max Mixer Can everyday objects tell stories?  Can the mechanics of motion be reinvented? How we can learn to observe our familiar world from a different perspective? How can we be absurd? How we can learn to start always from zero? These are some of the questions and the topics that will be adressed during Anna Vasof’s lecture and the following workshop days.  

Short Bio: Anna Vasof is an architect and media artist. She studied architecture at the University of Thessaly (2010) in Greece and Transmedia Art (2014) at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. At 2020 she finished her Ph.D. thesis about a cinematographic technique that she developed with the title Non Stop Stop Motion. She is now working on designing and building innovative mechanisms for producing critical and narrative videos, actions and installations.


© Anna Vasof