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3. bis 11. Februar 2018 Sapporo, Japan

Lisa Bickel und Thomas Schwarz, Studierende der Zeitbasierten und interaktiven Medien, zeigen im Rahmen des SAPPORO YUKITERRACE Festival aktuelle Arbeiten.

Sapporo Kita 3-jo Plaza “Akapla” offers Sapporo’s city center a new space for relaxation and festivity. With Akapla as stage, SAPPORO YUKITERRACE conveys Sapporo’s signature winter allure with the motif of snow and light.
Sapporo’s harsh cold winters and accumulated snowfall can be seen as an obstacle to daily life. However, a little change in perspective reveals that not only is the snow breathtaking, but also a very special asset unique to the city. SAPPORO YUKITERRACE shines the spotlight on this special resource of snow through the creative renderings of artists, offering a site-specific experience not found anywhere else in any other season.
The event is in its fourth year this year, and will see the appearance of a “Snow Mountain” equipped with interactive hands-on set ups in Akapla. Snow huts dug out from inside the Snow Mountain will showcase artwork exhibitions and spaces that can only be experienced in a snowy country. After sunset, light balloons forming a winter constellation will illuminate the whole venue.
An ice bar will serve hot drinks among other things for you to enjoy. Please come visit this world made of snow and light open for only 9 days!



"Coming Home"

Lisa Bickel
Interactive Audiovisual Installation, 2016
In Lisa Bickel’s work “Coming Home,” she poses a series of questions: What do you hear when, after a long day, you come home and switch on the light? How is the atmosphere? Which sound do you perceive as pleasant? Which is annoying? “Coming Home” endeavors to shift installation visitors from an unfamiliar situation in a museum to familiar circumstances. The act of switching light bulbs on and off generates individual soundscapes reminiscent of home. Sounds you hear on a daily basis but often don’t even notice engender a feeling of intimacy and evoke memories. Especially now, in a time of refugee crises, the act of coming home is endowed with a totally new significance. For many people, the confines of one’s own four walls constitute a sheltering space.



Thomas Schwarz
Installation, 2016
Die Lichtinstallation Wachstropf beschäftigt sich mit digitaler Reproduktion zufällig entstehender natürlicher Stalaktiten. Ident ausgeführte Handlungen führen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse und ergeben in ihrer Unberechenbarkeit stets neue Formen und Gebilde. Die Vergänglichkeit von Materialien offenbart sich auf den Ebenen des Sehens, Riechens und Hörens. Zapfen symbolisieren ästhetische aber zerbrechliche Objekte, deren langer und aufwändiger Entstehungsprozess durch unvorhergesehene Ereignisse in Sekunden zerstört werden kann. Die Lichtinstallation „Wachstropf“ weist auf die Schönheit natürlicher Vorgänge und die Vergänglichkeit unserer natürlich gewohnten Umweltzustände hin und stellt eine Metapher für die natürlich und menschlich erzeugten Werke der Welt dar.

"Coming Home" © Lisa Bickel, 2016

"Wachstropf" © Thomas Schwarz, 2016