October 30, 2023, 7 p.m. Redoutensälen, Promenade 39, 4020 Linz
Governor Thomas Stelzer awarded the State Prize for Monument Preservation for the 15th time at a ceremony in the Redoutensäle in Linz. This award is presented every two years. The following projects were awarded for 2023:
The municipality of Grein received the monument prize for the general renovation of the historic municipal theater. The jury praised the comprehensive and complex refurbishment, taking into account ecological sustainability and the extended possibilities for use.
Recognition prizes were awarded to the Roman Catholic parish of Rohrbach for the restoration of the interior of its baroque parish church and to Tabakfabrik Linz Entwicklungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft mbH for the adaptation of the former power plant in the tobacco factory.