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Kunstuni Campus @ Ars Electronica Festival 2024

Opening: September 3, 2024, 7 p.m.; Until September 8, 2024 University of Arts Linz, Hauptplatz 6 & 8 and other locations in Linz

Lynkeus’ Traum, this year’s campus exhibition by the University of Arts Linz during the Ars Electronica Festival, is all about seeing. As a complex biological process, it is characterised by the immediate world of experience, but we are now delegating vision to technology in many areas; the latest technologies “see” for us. What does this mean for us humans? On the main square of Linz, Paul Eis and Maximilian Meindl are constructing a tower dedicated to this theme from an unexpected perspective. The Moholy-Nagy University of Budapest, this year's special featured partner university, is presenting an unique showcase exhibition ‘FUTURESENSE’ at the splace gallery. From 3 to 8 September, visitors to Hauptplatz 6 and 8 will be able to experience installations, performances, public interventions and much more by students from the departments of the University of Arts Linz as well as partner universities.



The idea of having a tower rise over Linz’s Hauptplatz is something Paul Eis and Maximilian Meindl have been playing with for the last two years. Yet the tower is not meant to be seen as a symbol of power or control. On the contrary, the idea is based on critical self-reflection and encourages the ability to see different options: How do we see? Who sees for us and influences our perception? What is it we want to see? 


The Interface Cultures department turns twenty this year! Now, it is a common trait of any anniversary, and particularly ones that conclude a decade, to make you reflect on the past, present, and future. It is similar with an institution, anniversaries cause us to marvel at how many people have contributed to its evolution, and how many more will do so in times to come. NOUS, the title of this year’s IC exhibition at Ars Electronica, picks up on this spirit of introspection, asking what IC has been, what it is, and what it will become. NOUS. French for “we”. But what is this “we” exactly? 
More details

“Do we just look, or do we see?”

Manuela Naveau, curator of the Kunstuni Campus at the Ars Electronica Festival and university professor of Critical Data / Interface Cultures, on seeing, dreaming, celebrating and a tower on the main square in Linz.

Curator: Manuela Naveau
Project Management: Viktoria Angyal, Barbara Jazbec, Sylvia Leitner, Reinhard Reisenzahn, Alexander Wöran
Architects: Paul Eis, Maximilian Meindl
Social Media: Viktoria Angyal