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Eligible participants 

  • Students who are enrolled at the University of Arts Linz
  • 2 completed semesters of study
  • Mobility can only be carried out in a country that is not the country of residence during the course of study (presentation of a current registration form)
  • Mobility to the country of origin has the lowest priority.
  • The mobility grant is only paid for the period of physical presence at the host institution.

An extension of the stay is only possible from the winter semester to the summer semester and depends on the approval of the host university as well as on the budget.


Possible duration of stays

  • 2 months to a maximum of 12 months in the Bachelor, Master, Doctorate/PhD program
  • 24 months in diploma programs
  • Multiple stays are possible - different types of mobility can be combined and are counted together per cycle (graduate internships count towards the funding period of the previous study cycle)

Graduate intern ships must be completed within 12 calendar months of graduation (date of notification).


update 30.6.2022