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Initiative for refugees MORE at the University of Art and Design Linz

Programme for MORE Students at the University of Art and Design Linz Starting in Winter Semester 2015/16, asylum-seekers can attend courses at the University of Art and Design Linz as extracurricular students.

Upon the initiative of the Universities Austria uniko.ac.at, the MORE Project was started and implemented by 21 participating universities in Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg and Innsbruck. Asylum-seekers can attend courses specially designed for the project and existing lectures and thus receive the chance to prepare for a future entrance examination. The MORE Project sees itself as a process of exchange between equals and with mutual enrichment

Unbureaucratic solutions
Asylum-seekers and recognised refugees can attend particular courses at the University of Art and Design Linz in the academic year 2021/22. 

War in Ukraine ist he reason for many refugees at the moment. Therefore the Initiative of Universities Austria (Uniko),react to  the current situation. The University of Arts and Design Linz started with Ukraine Aid University of Art and Design Linz.

Registration MORE project
Who is able to apply? 

Asylum-seekers and persons granted asylum with white, blue or grey card or with passport.
Person, who has the green card (process card) are not allowed to register for MORE project!
Prerequisites: interest in art, English and/or German skills

Admission will be non-bureaucratic: For instance, students will be exempted from the tuition fee, admitted to the university as extracurricular students, granted access to the library and can sit exams in the courses they take. The goal is to quickly integrate the students into the university system, identify their strengths and build upon these.   

Registration MORE project Who is able to apply?  Asylum-seekers and persons granted asylum with white, blue or grey card or with passport. Person, who has the green card (process card) are not allowed to register for MORE project! Prerequisites: interest in art, English and/or German skills

Contact for informations and registration
Projectcoordinator Univ.-Prof. Gitti Vasicek more@kunstuni-linz.at
Administration: Birgit Atzmüller more@kunstuni-linz.at
Domgasse 1, 4. Stock, Raum DO.04.10, 4020 Linz
+43 (0) 732/7898 2333

Registration deadlines
Winter term 2022/23: july 11th - september 30th 2022
Sommer term 2023: january 9th – mart 28th 2023


Donation account
Since our MORE students need work materials and often cannot afford them, the Kunstuni Linz has set up a donation account.
If you would like to donate something, please use the following account:
Note "Donation MORE project"
IBAN: AT46 3400 0000 0500 4155
