Bachelor Programme Admission Examination Study InformationNews WorksProjects
Fashion & Technology
Master Programme Fashion & Technology
Das Bio Fabrication Lab lädt in den Kepler Salon
Fashion & Technology lädt zum Online Talk von Dinie van den Heuvel.
Fashion & Technology invites you to an online talk by Dilys Williams.
Fashion & Technology invites Ann-Kristin Reinkenhoff to give a guest lecture.
The Fashion & Technology department invites you to a talk by Florian Sametinger.
Gerald Brandstätter, Fashion & Technology graduate, is the winner of the public vote!
Admission examinations will take place in February, July and September 2025.
"why are we so rude?" von Gerald Brandstätter, Fashion & Technology, steht zum Voting.
Michaela Kessler, Absolventin von Fashion&Technology, ist die Gewinnerin des alljährlichen…
Arbeiten der Studierenden waren bei einer multimedialen Show im Wiener Künstlerhaus zu sehen.