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Electronic Signature

General Information on the Electronic Signature of the University of Arts Linz

The electronic signature is a legally valid signature of an agency. It verifies confirmations and other documents by using a visible figurative mark which proves the authenticity of the document. It shows the figurative mark of the agency (similar to an official stamp) and states that the document was signed electronically which guarantees that the document was issued by the agency. The agency also provides the possibility to verify electronically signed documents.


Attributes of the Electronic Signature

The electronic signature contains the following elements:


  • figurative mark
  • information stating that the document was signed by an electronic signature
  • information on how to prove the authenticity of the document

Figurative Mark

The electronic signature of the University of Arts Linz uses the following figurative mark:

Depiction of the Electronic Signature

The University of Arts Linz uses an electronic signature in various administrative areas.

The following is a depiction of the electronic signature as found on signed documents:

Verification of the Electronic Signature

Recipients can verify electronically signed documents at www.signaturpruefung.gv.at

Digital documents can be sent electronically to agencies.

According to § 20 of the  E-Government Act, even print outs have the probative value of an official document. Documents verified by an electronic signature can be submitted as original documents to agencies and other institutions.