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About art.research

We coordinate all matters relating to art.research: starting with advice on project applications to funding bodies, cooperation with other universities and colleges, the organization of in-house events, internal networking with our centers and the coordination of all matters relating to the PhD programme, etc. etc.

One of our most important tasks is to support you in your search for possible funding and in submitting applications to funding bodies. We are happy to support and accompany you from the initial project idea to the completion of your research project!

If there is anything we can help you with, please get in touch with us!

Contact us

Dr. Andre Zogholy
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 229

Art.Research EU funding programs:
Dr. Jörg Klenk

PhD programme:
Dr. Veronika Schwediauer
M: +43 (0 )676 84 7898 2202

Domgasse 1, 4. OG
4020 Linz | Austria